Quantum physics
Supreme mind!
Have you ever looked at yourself through the eyes of someone else that you just have become?
Have you ever looked at yourself through the eyes of the ultimate Observer?
Quantum physics. In one single word: The science of possibilities.
When you you are not looking at something you are seeing a spread wave of possible locations. But when you are looking, there are particles of experiences.
Where do we come from? Who are we? Where do we go ?
There is not an out there ( out there) independet of what is happening inside. The external world can not be separeted of the internal world. In fact, What happens within us affects the reality outside us.
We are affecting reality all the time. Even when we play victims.
What is an aton? Is it solid? Is it a tiny point , the most concret and solid point of all the universe?
Well, mostly the Universe is empty.
What make up things? Another things? No. what make up things are ideas, conceptions, thoughts.
Our brain is processing more than 400 billion bits of information per second. But our awareness is only about 2000 thounsand of those 400 billion bits . Our brain is under the influence of reality most of the time; But , despite the fact that our body is bombarded by this huge amounts of information, these 2000 thounsand bits have a connection only with our environment, our body , and the time.
The fundamental laws of the physics do not make an interesting distinction beteween the future and the past.
Why don´t we have the same kind of epistemic acsess to the future, and at the same time, over the past? Why, acting now, I can affect the future, but not the past?
We are always recreating the same realities. The same jobs, the same lives. But there is a potencial world around us. Why do we have to make the same choices all over the time?
Who is the Observer?
The material world around us is followed by a sequence of determinist laws? The reality surronding us , why we can not affect it? Because it is solid? Why do we not have a hole in this world?
All the things, all the material things, are not things. They are only moviments of counciousness.
The aton is not a thing. It is a tendency. Heisenberg, co - discover of quantum physics , says it.
Why can´t we choose among the potencial world of possibilities just in front of us?
The eyes are like the lens. A camera sees a lot more in its environment than our eyes. And it only happens because it does not make any objection, any judgment.
The reality we see , is seeing by our brain? Or our eyes?
We only believe in what we see?
One object can be found in two places at the same time?
The so - called superposition reality exists? Can we experience two or more possibilities in one single moment?
It is time to get wise!
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